20 June 2011

The Traveler

I'm not sure how long this took. I worked on it for a few hours for a few days. Maybe 10 hours in all? Anyway, now that I'm done, it makes me think of Picasso's Mother and Child, you know, the one that he cut the dad out of because he didn't like the composition? No? Maybe I was the only kid that read the Childcraft books over and over. I couldn't think of WHY it made me think of that painting. I thought it might be the sea in the background or something. Now I remember why: this image looks pretty darned interesting cut up into pieces. Maybe I'll post some examples in a bit.

In any case, I called it The Traveler because in the beginning, she was looking out over the sea wearing her traveling cape. But then I wanted to do a dress instead. I like the look of the overall thing: not like I'm trying to be super realistic but more stylistic. I like that it has a clean carnival feel to it. I also like the blue and orange together.

This one I did completely from my imagination, except for consulting a few pictures on what pearls look like and what the heck an eye from the side looks like. Otherwise, I used no references. Also, she was facing the other way for most of production but I forgot to switch her back before getting the final image ready. Oh well, she looks fine looking out this way as well.

1 comment:

Rischaard said...

What a fun composition! I like it a lot!