This one took longer than the others. There are some things, as always, that I'm not totally happy with, but after spending this long on it, I'm fairly satisfied. I learned a lot doing this picture, and am excited to move onto other, perhaps even more complicated projects.
The figures are characters from one of my books, yet again. The fellow on the right turns out to be the sallow-faced guy from the previous post after his wife (on the left) dies and he is forced to flee the country. The girl, Olivia, is one of those characters that only has to show up for a few pages, look pretty, and then languish and die in order to set off other more important events in the book.
On a more artistic note, I'm not sure I like the cherry branch hanging down or the petals floating away. Maybe I'll think about that a little bit more and then perhaps repost.
On a more critical note, I really don't like the picture of Gregory I posted last time. I particularly hate the background, which is odd because I really liked it at the time. Eh.