23 November 2010

Header Image

I worked today to create the image in the header. It didn't turn out exactly how I envisioned it, but I did it completely from my head (except one time when I looked at the way light shines on a face from underneath) so I'm not too displeased with it. Here is the image that was used in the header:

I used Photoshop CS5 and a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet. In the squished down form it looks kind of funny...it's lost some of the detail. Try clicking images to see them larger (and better!)

Then I played around with makeuping the water figure:

Didn't like the result as much as I thought I might. Thus the non-painted face in the header.

I might work more on this later - I don't really like how the water looks (yes, it's water) and I might want to add some sort of decoration to the head like a headband or something. Stay tuned. 

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