27 July 2011


This was the first time I'd really tackled drawing a child, but I was excited for the challenge: especially the features that I was pretty sure would be quite different from an adult's: eyes, hands, etc. I had to look at a lot of references (also for the large butterfly) but didn't copy from any one picture very much. 

I wanted to use purple, as I haven't done that much at all before now either. I'm kind of proud of how the eyes turned out...I think the look quite good up close...even better than they do far away.

What else is there to say about this? I think it's obvious why it's a Spring (and/or Summer!) picture...butterflies, meadow, flower...just beautiful weather!

I guess this concludes my seasons portraits series...I'll have to think of something else to work on. (No fear, I have about a billion ideas of things I want to try...)


Sheri said...

I love her eyes and nose especially.

Ashley Miller said...

Love this. I like the purply mist behind the grass too.